
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Forex | Tip | Dec 2010

Forexhacked 2.2 has different setting, setting will determine how this EA trade, you can get the setting from it homepage,I put 1 setting here,which you can copy and use.Best pair to start with is GBPUSD, I think the below setting is the best.

Setting 1
0.01 lots
40 takeprofit
40 pipstarter
1.9 booster
max buys =4
max sells =4
allow stop loss =false
start hour =0
stop hour =0
start trading day =0
end trading day =7
stoplosspct =100
takeprofitpct =100
support ecn =false(not an ECN account)
masshedge =false
Everything else is default.

Forex | Blog | Dec 2010

The best Forex EA goes to Forexhacked 2.2 (latest version is 2.3), you can read the review and demo testing from www.forexfbi.com. It has 3700% growth in just over one year.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Forex | Tip | Nov 2010

Forex Multivers 2.0 is a best scalping software so far I ever used, simple and effective.
try on demo a/c at least 3  weeks before you really run it live.

Forex | Blog | Nov 2010

All the EA and system in this blog is working condition, which I have tested before, and is only fraction of it original price.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Forex | Tip | Oct 2010

I have another good tool Perpetual Profit software, it show the price direction, red means down, blue is up,so you can made decision fast.

Forex | Blog | Oct 2010

Your success in forex trading is very much depends on your tool, experience and also a good forex Broker. I have a good manual system (FXI+DelphiScalper), this is best manual system I ever came  across. It trade between London and US session, it show in blue colour, and also the in and out price, is very simple and direct to use. after placing the order just put a stop loss of your choice.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Forex | Tip | Sept 2010

Forex Broker

My choice is.....not yet found, from forexpeacearmy.com, Forexoma has good rating, and starting low with USD500.


Virtual Private Server is a must have tool for forex trader, yr MT4 is istalled at a remote server which operate 24 hrs, so you don't need to open yr desktop/laptop 24 hrs to get "automated pip" or "earn while you sleep", of course you have to pay for this service, cheapest you can get is abt USD10-12 per month, which you can intalled 2-3 MT4, the more you installed the respond slower due to the memory 512MB. I recommend UCVHOST.com cause is damn cheap.